packages = ['numpy']

Exercise 9
Orientation with Riemannian manifold

In this exercise, we will extend the inverse kinematics problem to orientation tracking.

Inverse kinematics consists of finding a configuration (joint angles) that reaches a target pose (position and/or orientation) with the end-effector of the robot. In Exercise 4, we have seen how inverse kinematics can be used to reach a desired target position, without taking into account the orientation.

The goal of this exercise is to implement an inverse kinematics function to track a desired target orientation for the 3-axis manipulator displayed on the right. We would like that the end-effector of this robot orients itself with the same orientation as the pink object (with desired grip depicted in transparency), which can be changed by using the slider below the robot.

The orientation of a planar robot is on a Riemannian manifold \mathcal{S}^1, which requires a logarithmic map function (logmap() function in the code) to compute the residual error between the target orientation and the current orientation, represented as a light pink circle in the figure. This residual can be represented in the tangent space of the desired target point (light pink segment tangent to the light pink circle in the figure). This residual vector in pink corresponds to a geodesic distance that needs to be decreased to reach the desired orientation. When projected back to the manifold, the resulting geodesic path in pink corresponds to the shortest distance between the current orientation and the desired orientation while staying on the manifold.

The goal of this exercise is to compare the use of a geodesic distance and a standard Euclidean distance for different initial orientation and desired target orientation.

The function controlCommand(x,param) continuously sends joint velocity commands to the robot. In the initial code, the robot is not moving because u=np.zeros(param.nbVarX) sends zero commands to the robot.

param.Mu contains the target pose in the form of [\mu^\tp{pos}_1, \mu^\tp{pos}_2, \mu^\tp{ori}], fkin(x,param) returns the end-effector pose of the robot in the form of [f^\tp{pos}_1, f^\tp{pos}_2, f^\tp{ori}], and Jkin(x,param) returns a Jacobian matrix of size 3\times3.

  • Change this function to send velocity commands u to reach the target orientation. Compute the residual either as a geodesic distance or as a Euclidean distance and observe the behavior when the current orientation is close to \pi and the target orientation is close -\pi. Note that \pi and -\pi are the same point on the manifold \mathcal{S}^1, which is depicted in the figure as a short segment on the left side of the circle. What do you observe? Can you explain the difference in the tracking behaviors?
  • Change this function to send velocity commands u to reach the target orientation as a primary task and reaching the object position as a secondary task. You can do this by using nullspace control as presented in Section 5.2 of the RCFS documentation.

x = np.array([-0.8, 1.8, 3.0]) # Initial robot state def controlCommand(x, param): f = fkin(x, param) # End-effector position and orientation J = Jkin(x, param) # Jacobian matrix r_ori = logmap(param.Mu[2:], f[2:]) # Orientation residual #r_ori = param.Mu[-1] - f[-1] # Orientation residual (Euclidean distance) u = np.zeros(param.nbVarX) # Implement here return u
x = np.array([-0.8, 1.8, 3.0]) # Initial robot state def controlCommand(x, param): f = fkin(x, param) # End-effector position and orientation J = Jkin(x, param) # Jacobian matrix J_ori = J[2:,:] # Jacobian matrix for orientation r_ori = logmap(param.Mu[2:], f[2:]) # Orientation residual # r_ori = param.Mu[2:] - f[2:] # Orientation residual (as Euclidean distance) u = 0.1 * np.linalg.pinv(J_ori) @ r_ori # Orientation tracking (with step size 0.1) return u
x = np.array([-0.8, 1.8, 3.0]) # Initial robot state def controlCommand(x, param): f = fkin(x, param) # End-effector position and orientation J = Jkin(x, param) # Jacobian matrix J_pos = J[:2,:] # Jacobian matrix for position J_ori = J[2:,:] # Jacobian matrix for orientation r_pos = (param.Mu[:2] - f[:2]) # Position residual r_ori = (param.Mu[2:] - f[2:]) # Orientation residual # Prioritized control (orientation tracking prioritized over position tracking) pinv_J_ori = np.linalg.inv(J_ori.T @ J_ori + np.eye(param.nbVarX) * 1E-2) @ J_ori.T # Damped pseudoinverse N_ori = np.eye(param.nbVarX) - pinv_J_ori @ J_ori # Nullspace projection operator u_ori = 0.1 * pinv_J_ori @ r_ori # Command for position tracking (with step size 0.1) J_pos_N_ori = J_pos @ N_ori pinv_J_pos_N_ori = J_pos_N_ori.T @ np.linalg.inv(J_pos_N_ori @ J_pos_N_ori.T + np.eye(2) * 1E1) # Damped pseudoinverse u_pos = 0.1 * pinv_J_pos_N_ori @ (r_pos - J_pos @ u_ori) # Command for orientation tracking (with position tracking prioritized) u = u_ori + N_ori @ u_pos # Control commands # # Prioritized control (position tracking prioritized over orientation tracking) # pinv_J_pos = np.linalg.inv(J_pos.T @ J_pos + np.eye(param.nbVarX) * 1E-2) @ J_pos.T # Damped pseudoinverse # N_pos = np.eye(param.nbVarX) - pinv_J_pos @ J_pos # Nullspace projection operator # u_pos = 0.1 * pinv_J_pos @ r_pos # Command for position tracking (with step size 0.1) # J_ori_N_pos = J_ori @ N_pos # pinv_J_ori_N_pos = J_ori_N_pos.T @ np.linalg.inv(J_ori_N_pos @ J_ori_N_pos.T + np.eye(1) * 1E1) # Damped pseudoinverse # u_ori = 0.1 * pinv_J_ori_N_pos @ (r_ori - J_ori @ u_pos) # Command for orientation tracking (with position tracking prioritized) # u = u_pos + N_pos @ u_ori # Control commands return u

{\color{#DD1177}\mathcal{S}^1} {\color{#11DD77}\mathbb{R}^1} {\color{#DD1177}\mu^\tp{ori}} {\color{#DD1177}f^\tp{ori}} {\color{#11DD77}\mu^\tp{ori}} {\color{#11DD77}f^\tp{ori}} {\color{#11DD77}-\pi} {\color{#11DD77}\pi}
def print(x): display(x, target='output') from pyodide.ffi import create_proxy from js import Path2D, document, console import numpy as np import asyncio object_angle = document.getElementById('object_angle') # Object angle simulation_speed = document.getElementById('simulation_speed') # Simulation speed latex_el = [] for i in range(8): latex_el.append(document.getElementById('latex%d' % i)) # Latex symbols ######################################################################################### base1_svg ='m -40.741975,77.319831 c -0.47247,-4.03869 7.32825,-20.1653 10.1171,-22.57617 4.71807,-4.07862 14.00201,-4.3722 15.87822,-6.89366 1.16821,-1.06725 1.19306,-2.45846 1.19136,-4.984461 -0.005,-6.836939 0.0375,-38.9164375 -0.0588,-42.62054746 C -13.757555,-5.2728275 -9.8130348,-13.34661 -0.02248483,-13.67734 7.5903552,-13.93451 13.741895,-7.1292375 13.608255,-0.84839739 13.474625,5.4324325 13.073715,50.200081 13.741895,54.075491 c 0.66817,3.8754 3.0736,26.72695 3.0736,26.72695 l -53.47684,-0.23624 c -3.68777,-0.0163 -4.0806,-3.24637 -4.0806,-3.24637 z') base2_svg ='m -13.653647,45.770986 27.119789,-0.07088') seg11_svg ='M 1.1085815,-48.64595 C 2.8616565,-42.037584 12.141047,-7.3721658 13.181308,-3.8158258 14.730923,1.4818692 12.982058,10.29588 3.6015646,13.1191 -3.6924249,15.31437 -11.379603,10.30832 -12.856452,4.2020952 c -1.476846,-6.106188 -11.012844,-42.5297362 -12.082149,-45.6580692 -1.43181,-5.329295 -2.652606,-11.707828 -2.961653,-18.313541 -0.264086,-5.644652 2.111069,-7.347919 2.111069,-7.347919 2.624567,-3.183184 8.150604,-3.203987 10.333578,-6.275591 1.769697,-2.490098 1.823736,-5.627976 1.959877,-8.208118 0.347278,-6.581603 7.8818877,-11.888333 13.83865325,-11.31331 11.26196775,1.087146 13.17554475,9.678077 12.89920975,14.363762 -0.465778,7.897881 -5.8447437,11.223081 -10.8257944,12.5317 -4.0229212,1.0569 -4.0522977,5.558527 -3.6062254,8.077811 0.53206435,3.004955 1.69902315,6.035714 2.2984683,9.29523 z') seg12_svg ='m 0.05406256,-11.597507 c -6.39589386,0 -11.58398456,5.1988245 -11.58398456,11.60742169 0,6.40859681 5.1880907,11.60742231 11.58398456,11.60742231 6.39589414,0 11.58398444,-5.1988255 11.58398444,-11.60742231 0,-6.40859719 -5.1880903,-11.60742169 -11.58398444,-11.60742169 z') seg13_svg ='m 0.89874154,-90.983149 c -6.37570324,-0.50777 -11.96015354,4.262759 -12.46893054,10.651135 -0.508778,6.388373 4.2502031,11.982666 10.62590635,12.490434 6.37571205,0.507768 11.96015765,-4.262758 12.46893565,-10.65113 0.50878,-6.388376 -4.2501988,-11.982669 -10.62591146,-12.490439 z') seg14_svg ='M -24.784795,-41.659214 1.1085815,-48.64595') seg15_svg ='m -20.037453,-23.361462 c 0,0 0.150891,-2.736177 2.859936,-3.928038 2.698441,-1.058633 15.064238,-4.832856 18.5649072,-5.023273 3.4151981,-0.800461 4.5404475,1.903276 4.5404475,1.903276') seg21_svg ='m 1.0846146,-63.378335 c 0.2455591,-2.834423 3.4523451,-16.559449 4.0431711,-18.415736 1.4726648,-4.271726 5.7043363,-7.554682 6.9088533,-12.676592 0.896166,-8.180737 -5.5218419,-14.075707 -11.67006058,-13.690757 -5.14680322,0.32229 -11.25729142,3.07163 -11.71005642,12.988353 -0.245696,5.381384 2.1556935,6.934579 1.261502,10.892576 -1.067995,4.72731 -3.306673,16.43352 -4.123841,19.092346 -1.013352,3.297141 -2.321128,5.411066 -6.454795,11.635385 -4.133667,6.224321 -5.394419,14.031661 -6.200979,18.250843 -0.80656,4.219183 -2.639059,14.959257 -1.769749,20.046047 0.662189,3.874813 5.317911,7.0872532 8.194376,7.8656925 2.799342,0.6504765 3.517742,0.6405013 5.007603,2.5337107 1.489861,1.8932084 1.467073,4.13299795 2.141633,7.605938 0.4829,3.1674976 4.2207359,9.9421608 11.3304401,10.8558018 C 5.1524174,14.518915 14.875984,8.7881742 13.263942,-1.6038057 11.604726,-12.299883 3.6744317,-12.710682 0.92067775,-13.632854 -1.5420631,-15.114186 -2.6268693,-19.519275 -1.8747035,-22.72879 -1.1225409,-25.938308 1.196278,-37.889572 1.3340625,-40.676542 1.8762966,-51.644393 -0.30239687,-54.622686 1.0846146,-63.378335 Z') seg22_svg ='M -11.586565,0.93074939 C -11.083534,7.3068272 -5.4927791,12.069965 0.89597241,11.565935 7.284721,11.061904 12.059397,5.4810033 11.556367,-0.89507457 11.053335,-7.2711624 5.4625836,-12.034299 -0.92616504,-11.530269 -7.3149165,-11.02624 -12.089595,-5.4453385 -11.586565,0.93074939 Z') seg23_svg ='m -26.640574,-36.592971 c 5.304398,1.031726 26.42204728,5.61535 26.42204728,5.61535') seg24_svg ='m -18.97242,-7.0296766 c 0,0 5.357638,0.9161489 6.790283,-0.3224518 0,0 1.645529,-2.0773004 2.9224726,-3.1740806 1.2245317,-1.051764 3.0335173,-2.07985 3.0335173,-2.07985 1.9028326,-1.212528 2.2666634,-4.627153 3.1812597,-7.476594 1.7216337,-5.363774 1.9197573,-6.250728 1.9197573,-6.250728') seg31_svg ='m -28.6797,-26.841855 c -1.2675,3.57197 -1.218858,4.557009 -1.595581,8.234518 -0.376722,3.677509 -0.09415,6.442577 -0.0095,8.568278 -0.253944,2.7250156 1.116106,5.225167 1.12849,7.9985227 -0.113818,2.61245518 -0.732443,4.5287742 -1.461378,6.6813667 -0.049,4.0362406 -0.269163,8.1196006 0.283769,12.1263916 0.524743,2.889586 3.777418,3.398207 6.006756,4.487809 3.000431,1.151299 5.962802,2.459036 9.011639,3.446545 2.908512,0.626882 4.197412,-2.375507 4.231736,-4.87884 0.0854,-2.479073 0.335025,-4.760767 2.8765686,-5.44487 3.9560009,-1.216619 8.05245912,-1.946456 12.0010307,-2.99019 5.703849,-2.0129894 9.4239807,-8.5502843 7.7887937,-14.4529723 -1.270267,-5.5243102 -6.867591,-9.6714567 -12.54557065,-9.0219797 -3.01008665,0.221201 -5.63894195,1.895241 -8.24502045,3.5658663 -2.0818469,1.3351245 -1.6868669,-3.2534803 -1.7460679,-4.8326393 -0.0013,-3.276304 0.21006,-3.084655 0.0062,-4.979716 -0.203891,-1.895062 -0.264478,-4.611901 -1.494343,-8.479035 -5.412496,-0.0097 -15.221678,-0.05267 -15.221678,-0.05267 z') seg32_svg ='m -14.015345,-33.566241 c -1.232867,-1.390966 -2.465733,-2.781932 -3.698599,-4.172898 0.0038,-3.646334 0.02928,-7.293353 0.01923,-10.939249 -0.02501,-0.949144 -0.522837,-2.078703 -1.513796,-2.119205 -0.942425,0.01577 -1.897362,-0.08159 -2.832194,0.04493 -0.950302,0.333999 -1.133628,1.580185 -1.115778,2.522511 -0.04848,3.474219 -0.09695,6.948437 -0.145432,10.422655 -1.213181,1.407781 -2.426362,2.815561 -3.639543,4.223342 4.308705,0.006 8.617409,0.01194 12.926114,0.01791 z') seg33_svg ='m -12.412129,-26.867866 v -4.799995 c 0,-1.919999 -0.435344,-1.878396 -0.888867,-1.876655 -3.030562,0.01164 -14.262729,-0.07064 -14.523962,-0.04334 -0.467055,0 -0.934111,0 -0.883228,1.904343 0.01098,0.410814 0.0013,4.808677 0.0013,4.808677') seg34_svg ='M -10.345869,0.79321884 C -9.8879044,6.4881727 -4.8873495,10.735439 0.81892316,10.276563 6.5251942,9.8176865 10.782785,4.8259161 10.324819,-0.86903645 9.8668498,-6.5639995 4.8662942,-10.811265 -0.8399769,-10.35239 -6.5462504,-9.8935134 -10.803835,-4.901743 -10.345869,0.79321884 Z') seg35_svg ='m -10.926083,-10.640947 c -12.932836,-0.04585 -19.378158,-0.0931 -19.378158,-0.0931') seg36_svg ='M -9.9187154,15.300602 C -29.124234,15.272545 -30.475824,15.251842 -30.475824,15.251842') seg37_svg ='m -23.186087,-46.845579 h 5.542233 v 0') # # Logarithmic map for R^2 x S^1 manifold # def logmap(f, f0): # diff = np.zeros(3) # diff[:2] = f[:2] - f0[:2] # diff[2] = np.imag(np.log(np.exp(f0[-1]*1j).conj().T * np.exp(f[-1]*1j).T)).conj() # return diff # Logarithmic map for R^2 x S^1 manifold def logmap(f, f0): return np.imag(np.log(np.exp(f0*1j).conj().T * np.exp(f*1j).T)).conj() # Apply angle offsets to match robot kinematic chain def emulate_DH_params(x): xt = np.copy(x) xt[0] = xt[0] - np.pi/2 orient = np.mod(np.sum(xt,0)+np.pi, 2*np.pi) - np.pi xt[2] = xt[2] - np.arctan(20.5/51) return xt, orient # Forward kinematics for end-effector (in robot coordinate system) def fkin(x, param): xt, orient = emulate_DH_params(x) L = np.tril(np.ones([param.nbVarX, param.nbVarX])) f = np.vstack([ param.l @ np.cos(L @ xt), param.l @ np.sin(L @ xt), orient ]) # f1,f2,f3, where f3 is the orientation (single Euler angle for planar robot) f[1] += 81 return f.flatten() # Forward kinematics for all joints (in robot coordinate system) def fkin0(x, param): xt, _ = emulate_DH_params(x) L = np.tril(np.ones([param.nbVarX, param.nbVarX])) f = np.vstack([ L @ np.diag(param.l) @ np.cos(L @ xt), L @ np.diag(param.l) @ np.sin(L @ xt) ]) f = np.hstack([np.zeros([2,1]), f]) f[1] += 81 return f # Jacobian with analytical computation (for single time step) def Jkin(xt, param): xt, _ = emulate_DH_params(xt) L = np.tril(np.ones([param.nbVarX, param.nbVarX])) J = np.vstack([ -np.sin(L @ xt).T @ np.diag(param.l) @ L, np.cos(L @ xt).T @ np.diag(param.l) @ L, np.ones([1,param.nbVarX]) ]) return J ## Parameters # =============================== param = lambda: None # Lazy way to define an empty class in python param.dt = 1e-1 # Time step length param.nbVarX = 3 # State space dimension (x1,x2,x3) param.l = [79., 96., 55.] # Robot links lengths = [50., 30.] # Size of objects param.Mu = np.array([150., -50., -np.pi/3]) # Object position and orientation ######################################################################################### # GUI scaling_factor = 2 # General scaling factor for rendering # Mouse events mouse0 = np.zeros(2) mouse = np.zeros(2) mousedown = 0 selected_obj = -1 hover_obj = -1 hover_joint = -1 def onMouseMove(event): global mouse, mouse0 offset = canvas.getBoundingClientRect() mouse0[0] = (event.clientX - offset.x) * canvas.width / canvas.clientWidth mouse0[1] = (event.clientY - offset.y) * canvas.height / canvas.clientHeight mouse[0] = (mouse0[0] - canvas.width * 0.5) / scaling_factor mouse[1] = (mouse0[1] - canvas.height * 0.5) / scaling_factor def onTouchMove(event): global mouse, mouse0 offset = mouse0[0] = (event.touches.item(0).clientX - offset.x) * canvas.width / canvas.clientWidth mouse0[1] = (event.touches.item(0).clientY - offset.y) * canvas.height / canvas.clientHeight mouse[0] = (mouse0[0] - canvas.width * 0.5) / scaling_factor mouse[1] = (mouse0[1] - canvas.height * 0.5) / scaling_factor def onMouseDown(event): global mousedown mousedown = 1 # console.log('Mouse down') def onMouseUp(event): global mousedown, selected_obj mousedown = 0 selected_obj = -1 # console.log('Mouse up') def onWheel(event): global hover_joint, hover_obj, x, object_angle, param if hover_obj == 0: param.Mu[2] += 0.2 * (event.deltaY/106) object_angle.value = float(object_angle.value) + 0.2 * (event.deltaY/106) if hover_joint >= 0: x[hover_joint] += 0.2 * (event.deltaY/106) document.addEventListener('mousemove', create_proxy(onMouseMove)) #for standard mouse document.addEventListener('touchmove', create_proxy(onTouchMove)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('mousedown', create_proxy(onMouseDown)) #for standard mouse #document.addEventListener('pointerdown', create_proxy(onMouseDown)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('touchstart', create_proxy(onMouseDown)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('mouseup', create_proxy(onMouseUp)) #for standard mouse #document.addEventListener('pointerup', create_proxy(onMouseUp)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('touchend', create_proxy(onMouseUp)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('wheel', create_proxy(onWheel)) #for standard mouse ######################################################################################### canvas = document.getElementById('canvas') ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') def clear_screen(): ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) # Reset transformation to identity ctx.fillStyle = 'white' ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) def draw_ground(): ctx.setTransform(scaling_factor, 0, 0, scaling_factor, canvas.width*0.5, canvas.height*0.5) # Reset transformation ctx.beginPath() ctx.lineCap = 'round' ctx.lineJoin = 'round' ctx.lineWidth = '5' ctx.strokeStyle = '#CCCCCC' ctx.moveTo(-200, 164) ctx.lineTo(200, 164) ctx.stroke() def draw_robot(xt, color1='#CCCCCC', color2='#AAAAAA', color3='#222222', color4='#000000', selectable='True'): global hover_joint ctx.setTransform(scaling_factor, 0, 0, scaling_factor, canvas.width*0.5, canvas.height*0.5) # Reset transformation # Draw base ctx.translate(0, 81) ctx.lineWidth = '1' ctx.strokeStyle = color3 ctx.fillStyle = color1 ctx.fill(base1_svg) ctx.stroke(base1_svg) # Outline ctx.stroke(base2_svg) # Draw seg1 ctx.rotate(xt[0]) ctx.fillStyle = color1 ctx.fill(seg11_svg) ctx.stroke(seg11_svg) # Outline ctx.fillStyle = color2 if selectable and ctx.isPointInPath(seg12_svg, mouse0[0], mouse0[1]): ctx.fillStyle = '#3399FF' hover_joint = 0 ctx.fill(seg12_svg) ctx.stroke(seg12_svg) ctx.stroke(seg13_svg) ctx.stroke(seg14_svg) ctx.stroke(seg15_svg) # Draw seg2 ctx.translate(0, -79) ctx.rotate(xt[1]) ctx.fillStyle = color1 ctx.fill(seg21_svg) ctx.stroke(seg21_svg) # Outline ctx.fillStyle = color2 if selectable and ctx.isPointInPath(seg22_svg, mouse0[0], mouse0[1]): ctx.fillStyle = '#FF9933' hover_joint = 1 ctx.fill(seg22_svg) ctx.stroke(seg22_svg) ctx.stroke(seg23_svg) ctx.stroke(seg24_svg) # Draw seg3 ctx.translate(0, -96) ctx.rotate(xt[2]) ctx.fillStyle = color1 ctx.fill(seg31_svg) ctx.stroke(seg31_svg) # Outline ctx.fill(seg32_svg) ctx.stroke(seg32_svg) # Outline ctx.fill(seg33_svg) ctx.stroke(seg33_svg) # Outline ctx.fillStyle = color2 if selectable and ctx.isPointInPath(seg34_svg, mouse0[0], mouse0[1]): ctx.fillStyle = '#99FF33' hover_joint = 2 ctx.fill(seg34_svg) ctx.stroke(seg34_svg) ctx.stroke(seg35_svg) ctx.stroke(seg36_svg) ctx.stroke(seg37_svg) # Draw end-effector point ctx.translate(-20.5, -51) ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(0, 0, 2, 0, 2 * np.pi) ctx.fillStyle = color4 ctx.fill() def draw_obj(param, color='#FF3399', colortxt='#DD1177'): global selected_obj, hover_obj ctx.setTransform(scaling_factor, 0, 0, scaling_factor, canvas.width*0.5, canvas.height*0.5) # Reset transformation ctx.translate(param.Mu[0], param.Mu[1]) ctx.rotate(param.Mu[2]) # Draw object ctx.fillStyle = color obj = obj.rect([0]/2,[1]/2,[0],[1]) ctx.fill(obj) if ctx.isPointInPath(obj, mouse0[0], mouse0[1]): hover_obj = 0 if ctx.isPointInPath(obj, mouse0[0], mouse0[1]) and mousedown==1: selected_obj = 0 #ctx.fillRect([0]/2,[1]/2,[0],[1]) if[0] > 39 and[1] > 19: ctx.textAlign = 'center' ctx.textBaseline = 'middle' ctx.font = '10px Permanent Marker' ctx.fillStyle = colortxt ctx.fillText('Move me!', 0, 0) # Draw seg3 (robot end-effector) ctx.lineWidth = '1' ctx.strokeStyle = '#00000022' ctx.fillStyle = '#00000022' ctx.translate(-52,20) ctx.rotate(np.pi/2) ctx.fill(seg31_svg) ctx.stroke(seg31_svg) # Outline ctx.fill(seg32_svg) ctx.stroke(seg32_svg) # Outline ctx.fill(seg33_svg) ctx.stroke(seg33_svg) # Outline ctx.fill(seg34_svg) ctx.stroke(seg34_svg) ctx.stroke(seg35_svg) ctx.stroke(seg36_svg) ctx.stroke(seg37_svg) def draw_arrow(x1, x2, color='black', sz=10., lw='2'): ctx.strokeStyle = color ctx.fillStyle = color ctx.lineWidth = lw # Draw arrow tip length = np.linalg.norm(x2-x1) if length > sz*1.5: v = (x2-x1) * sz / length ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x2[0], x2[1]) ctx.lineTo(x2[0]-v[0]+v[1]*.5, x2[1]-v[1]-v[0]*.5) ctx.lineTo(x2[0]-v[0]-v[1]*.5, x2[1]-v[1]+v[0]*.5) ctx.fill() x2 = x1 + v * (length-sz*.9) / sz #Draw line ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x1[0], x1[1]) ctx.lineTo(x2[0], x2[1]) ctx.stroke() def draw_manifold(x, param, color='#FF3399', color2='#33FF99'): global ctx, latex_el ctx.setTransform(scaling_factor, 0, 0, scaling_factor, canvas.width*0.5, canvas.height*0.5) # Reset transformation # Parameters pos = np.array([-120., -80.]) # Position of S¹ pos2 = np.array([-70, -80.]) # Position of R¹ (relative to S¹) radius = 50. v = np.array([np.cos(x[-1]), np.sin(x[-1])]) * radius # Current orientation coordinates vMu0 = np.array([np.cos(param.Mu[-1]), np.sin(param.Mu[-1])]) # Unit direction of tangent space vMu = vMu0 * radius # Target orientation coordinates d = logmap(param.Mu[-1], x[-1]) # Geodesic distance ctx.translate(pos[0], pos[1]) # Draw S¹ manifold ctx.strokeStyle = color+'33' ctx.lineWidth = '2' ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 2*np.pi) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(-radius-3, 0) ctx.lineTo(-radius+3, 0) ctx.stroke() # Draw tangent space as line segment ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(vMu[0]-vMu[1]*2, vMu[1]+vMu[0]*2) ctx.lineTo(vMu[0]+vMu[1]*2, vMu[1]-vMu[0]*2) ctx.stroke() # Draw geodesics ctx.lineWidth = '3' ctx.strokeStyle = color ctx.beginPath() if d < 0: ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, param.Mu[-1], x[-1]) # Geodesic else: ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, x[-1], param.Mu[-1]) # Geodesic ctx.stroke() # Corresponding residual vector in tangent space x2 = np.array([vMu[0]+vMu0[1]*d*radius, vMu[1]-vMu0[0]*d*radius]) draw_arrow(vMu, x2, color) # Draw R¹ manifold ctx.strokeStyle = color2+'33' ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(pos2[0], pos2[1]) ctx.lineTo(pos2[0]+(2*np.pi*radius), pos2[1]) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(pos2[0], pos2[1]-3) ctx.lineTo(pos2[0], pos2[1]+3) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(pos2[0]+(2*np.pi*radius), pos2[1]-3) ctx.lineTo(pos2[0]+(2*np.pi*radius), pos2[1]+3) ctx.stroke() # Residual vector on R¹ x1 = np.array([pos2[0]+(np.pi*radius)+(x[-1]*radius), pos2[1]]) x2 = np.array([pos2[0]+(np.pi*radius)+(param.Mu[-1]*radius), pos2[1]]) draw_arrow(x1, x2, color2) # Draw points ctx.fillStyle = 'black' ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(vMu[0], vMu[1], 3, 0, 2*np.pi) # Target orientation on S¹ ctx.fill() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(v[0], v[1], 3, 0, 2*np.pi) # Current orientation on S¹ ctx.fill() # ctx.beginPath() # ctx.arc(vMu[0]+vMu0[1]*d*radius, vMu[1]-vMu0[0]*d*radius, 3, 0, 2*np.pi) # Current orientation in tangent space # ctx.fill() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(pos2[0]+(np.pi+param.Mu[-1])*radius, pos2[1], 3, 0, 2*np.pi) # Target orientation on R¹ ctx.fill() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(pos2[0]+(np.pi+x[-1])*radius, pos2[1], 3, 0, 2*np.pi) # Current orientation on R¹ ctx.fill() # Latex labels v = np.array([np.cos(x[-1]), np.sin(x[-1])]) * radius * 1.4 # Current orientation coordinates vMu = np.array([np.cos(param.Mu[-1]), np.sin(param.Mu[-1])]) * radius * 0.6 # Unit direction of tangent space xtmp = np.zeros(2) xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+5) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[0].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # S¹ xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]+pos2[0]-30-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+pos2[1]+5) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[1].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # R¹ xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]+vMu[0]-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+vMu[1]+5) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[2].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # f^ori on S¹ xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]+v[0]-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+v[1]+5) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[3].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # mu^ori on S¹ xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]+pos2[0]+(np.pi+x[-1])*radius-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+pos2[1]-12) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[4].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # f^ori on R¹ xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]+pos2[0]+(np.pi+param.Mu[-1])*radius-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+pos2[1]-12) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[5].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # mu^ori on R¹ xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]+pos2[0]-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+pos2[1]+18) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[6].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # -pi xtmp[0] = ((pos[0]+pos2[0]+(2*np.pi*radius)-7) * scaling_factor + canvas.width * 0.5) * canvas.clientWidth / canvas.width xtmp[1] = (-(pos[1]+pos2[1]+18) * scaling_factor + canvas.height * 0.5) * canvas.clientHeight / canvas.height latex_el[7].setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:%dpx; bottom:%dpx;' % (xtmp[0],xtmp[1])) # pi def controlCommand(x, param): u = np.zeros(param.nbVarX) return u ######################################################################################### def errorHandler(e): msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) console.error(msg) el = document.getElementById('errors') el.innerText = msg #el.textContent = msg ######################################################################################### #x = np.array([-np.pi/4, np.pi/2, np.pi/4]) # Initial robot state x = np.array([-0.8, 1.8, 3.0]) # Initial robot state (for an orientation close to pi) u = np.zeros(param.nbVarX) async def main(): global hover_joint, hover_obj, x, param t0 = 0 while True: t0 += float(simulation_speed.value) if t0 > 19: t0 = 0 u = controlCommand(x, param) # Update of state x += u * param.dt # Reinit hovering variables hover_joint = -1 hover_obj = -1 # Rendering clear_screen() draw_ground() draw_manifold(fkin(x,param), param) draw_obj(param) draw_robot(x) # Object selection if selected_obj==0: param.Mu[:2] = mouse param.Mu[0] = max(min(param.Mu[0],225), -225) param.Mu[1] = max(min(param.Mu[1],175), -175) param.Mu[2] = float(object_angle.value) await asyncio.sleep(0.0001) pyscript.run_until_complete(main())