packages = ['numpy'] [[fetch]] from = './viewer3d/' files = ['']

x = [0.5, -0.3, 0.0, -1.8, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0] # Initial robot state def controlCommand(x, mu): J = Jkin(x) f = fkin(x) u = np.linalg.pinv(J) @ logmap(mu, f) # Position & orientation tracking return u
x = [0.5, -0.3, 0.0, -1.8, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0] # Initial robot state def controlCommand(x, mu): J = Jkin(x) f = fkin(x) u = np.linalg.pinv(J[0:3,:]) @ (mu[0:3] - f[0:3]) # Position tracking return u
x = [0.5, -0.3, 0.0, -1.8, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0] # Initial robot state def controlCommand(x, mu): J = Jkin(x) f = fkin(x) u = np.linalg.pinv(J[3:,:]) @ logmap_S3(mu[3:], f[3:]) # Orientation tracking return u

(click on the green run button to run the code; the blue target can be moved with the mouse)

from viewer3d import Viewer3D from js import document, Themes import math import numpy as np # The function that will be called once the 3D viewer has finished loading robot = None def onSceneReady(): global robot robot = viewer3D.robot # Create the Viewer3D object viewer3D = Viewer3D( document.getElementById('viewer3d'), parameters=dict( logmap_sphere=True, theme=Themes.Simple, ), onready=onSceneReady, ) # Disable the manipulation of the joints viewer3D.jointsManipulationEnabled = False # Add one target viewer3D.addTarget("target", [0.0, 0.4, 0.5], [0.57, 0.57, 0.42, -0.42], '#FF3399') viewer3D.logmapTarget = "target" # The function that will be called once per frame x = None def ikUpdate(delta): global x if x is None: x = robot.jointPositions elif not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = np.array(x) target = viewer3D.getTarget("target") u = controlCommand(x, target.transforms) x += u * 0.1 robot.jointPositions = x viewer3D.setRenderingCallback(ikUpdate) # Placeholder for the function to implement def controlCommand(x, mu): return np.zeros(x.shape) # Forward kinematics function (allows to not care about 'robot') def fkin(x): return robot.fkin(x) # Jacobian with numerical computation def Jkin(x): eps = 1e-6 D = len(x) # Matrix computation X = np.tile(x.reshape((-1,1)), [1,D]) F1 = fkin(X) F2 = fkin(X + np.identity(D) * eps) J = logmap(F2, F1) / eps return J # Matrix form of quaternion def QuatMatrix(q): # Note: quaternions elements are ordered as [x, y, z, w] return np.array([ [q[3], -q[2], q[1], q[0]], [q[2], q[3], -q[0], q[1]], [-q[1], q[0], q[3], q[2]], [-q[0], -q[1], -q[2], q[3]], ]) # Arcosine redefinition to make sure the distance between antipodal quaternions is zero def acoslog(x): try: y = math.acos(x) except ValueError: return math.nan if x < 0: y = y - np.pi return y # Logarithmic map for S^3 manifold (with e in tangent space) def logmap_S3(x, x0): R = QuatMatrix(x0) x = R.T @ x sc = acoslog(x[3]) / np.sqrt(1.0 - x[3]**2) if math.isnan(sc): sc = 1.0 return x[:3] * sc # Logarithmic map for R^3 x S^3 manifold (with e in tangent space) def logmap(f, f0): if len(f.shape) == 1: e = np.ndarray((6,)) e[0:3] = (f[0:3] - f0[0:3]) e[3:] = logmap_S3(f[3:], f0[3:]) else: e = np.ndarray((6, f.shape[1])) e[0:3,:] = (f[0:3,:] - f0[0:3,:]) for t in range(f.shape[1]): e[3:,t] = logmap_S3(f[3:,t], f0[3:,t]) return e