packages = ['numpy']

def controlCommand(x, param): f = fkin(x, param) J = Jkin(x, param) #u = np.linalg.pinv(J) @ (param.Mu - f[:,0]) * 10 # Control commands #u = np.zeros(param.nbVarX) # Control commands pinvJ = np.linalg.inv(J.T @ J + np.eye(param.nbVarX) * 1E4) @ J.T # Damped pseudoinverse u = pinvJ @ (param.Mu - f[:,0]) * 10 # Control commands return u
def controlCommand(x, param): f = fkin(x, param) J = Jkin(x, param) # Prioritized control (left tracking as main objective) dfl = (param.Mu[:2] - f[:2,0]) * 10 # Left hand correction dfr = (param.Mu[2:] - f[2:,0]) * 10 # Right hand correction Jl = J[:2,:] # Jacobian for left hand Jr = J[2:,:] # Jacobian for right hand pinvJl = np.linalg.inv(Jl.T @ Jl + np.eye(param.nbVarX) * 1e1) @ Jl.T # Damped pseudoinverse Nl = np.eye(param.nbVarX) - pinvJl @ Jl # Nullspace projection operator ul = pinvJl @ dfl # Command for position tracking JrNl = Jr @ Nl pinvJrNl = JrNl.T @ np.linalg.inv(JrNl @ JrNl.T + np.eye(2) * 1e4) # Damped pseudoinverse ur = pinvJrNl @ (dfr - Jr @ ul) # Command for right hand tracking (with left hand tracking prioritized) u = ul + Nl @ ur # Control commands return u

(click on the green run button to run the code; objects and joints can be moved with the mouse)

from pyodide.ffi import create_proxy from js import Path2D, document, console import numpy as np import asyncio # Forward kinematics for end-effector (in robot coordinate system) def fkin(x, param): L = np.tril(np.ones(3)) f = np.vstack([ param.l[0:3].T @ np.cos(L @ x[0:3]), param.l[0:3].T @ np.sin(L @ x[0:3]), param.l[[0,3,4]].T @ np.cos(L @ x[[0,3,4]]), param.l[[0,3,4]].T @ np.sin(L @ x[[0,3,4]]) ]) # f1,f2,f3,f4 return f # Forward kinematics for end-effector (in robot coordinate system) def fkin0(x, param): L = np.tril(np.ones(3)) fl = np.vstack([ L @ np.diag(param.l[0:3]) @ np.cos(L @ x[0:3]), L @ np.diag(param.l[0:3]) @ np.sin(L @ x[0:3]) ]) fr = np.vstack([ L @ np.diag(param.l[[0,3,4]]) @ np.cos(L @ x[[0,3,4]]), L @ np.diag(param.l[[0,3,4]]) @ np.sin(L @ x[[0,3,4]]) ]) f = np.hstack([fl[:,::-1], np.zeros([2,1]), fr]) return f # Jacobian of the end-effector with analytical computation (for single time step) def Jkin(x, param): L = np.tril(np.ones(3)) J = np.zeros((param.nbVarF, param.nbVarX)) Jl = np.vstack([-np.sin(L @ x[:3]).T @ np.diag(param.l[:3]) @ L, np.cos(L @ x[:3]).T @ np.diag(param.l[:3]) @ L ]) Jr = np.vstack([-np.sin(L @ x[[0,3,4]]).T @ np.diag(np.array(param.l)[[0,3,4]]) @ L, np.cos(L @ x[[0,3,4]]).T @ np.diag(np.array(param.l)[[0,3,4]]) @ L ]) J[:Jl.shape[0], :Jl.shape[1]] = Jl J[2:, [0,3,4]] = Jr return J ## Parameters # =============================== param = lambda: None # Lazy way to define an empty class in python param.dt = 1e-1 # Time step length param.nbVarX = 5 # State space dimension param.nbVarF = 4 # Task space dimension ([x1,x2] for left end-effector, [x3,x4] for right end-effector) param.l = np.array([200, 200, 150, 200, 150]) # Robot links lengths param.Mu = np.array([-200, 100, 200, 100]) # Objects position ######################################################################################### # Mouse events mouse0 = np.zeros(2) mouse = np.zeros(2) mousedown = 0 hover_joint = -1 selected_obj = -1 move_joint= -1 hover0 = np.zeros(2) def onMouseMove(event): global mouse, mouse0, hover0, x offset = canvas.getBoundingClientRect() mouse0[0] = (event.clientX - offset.x) * canvas.width / canvas.clientWidth mouse0[1] = (event.clientY - offset.y) * canvas.height / canvas.clientHeight mouse[0] = (mouse0[0] - canvas.width * 0.5) mouse[1] = -(mouse0[1] - canvas.height * 0.9) if move_joint >= 0: x[move_joint] -= 1E-2 * np.sum(hover0 - mouse0) hover0 = np.copy(mouse0) def onTouchMove(event): global mouse, mouse0, hover0, x offset = mouse0[0] = (event.touches.item(0).clientX - offset.x) * canvas.width / canvas.clientWidth mouse0[1] = (event.touches.item(0).clientY - offset.y) * canvas.height / canvas.clientHeight mouse[0] = (mouse0[0] - canvas.width * 0.5) mouse[1] = -(mouse0[1] - canvas.height * 0.9) if move_joint >= 0: x[move_joint] -= 1E-2 * np.sum(hover0 - mouse0) hover0 = np.copy(mouse0) def onMouseDown(event): global mousedown, move_joint, hover0 mousedown = 1 if hover_joint >= 0: move_joint = hover_joint hover0 = np.copy(mouse0) def onMouseUp(event): global mousedown, selected_obj, move_joint mousedown = 0 selected_obj = -1 move_joint = -1 def onWheel(event): global hover_joint, x if hover_joint >= 0: x[hover_joint] -= 0.2 * (event.deltaY/106) document.addEventListener('mousemove', create_proxy(onMouseMove)) #for standard mouse document.addEventListener('touchmove', create_proxy(onTouchMove)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('mousedown', create_proxy(onMouseDown)) #for standard mouse #document.addEventListener('pointerdown', create_proxy(onMouseDown)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('touchstart', create_proxy(onMouseDown)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('mouseup', create_proxy(onMouseUp)) #for standard mouse #document.addEventListener('pointerup', create_proxy(onMouseUp)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('touchend', create_proxy(onMouseUp)) #for mobile interfaces document.addEventListener('wheel', create_proxy(onWheel)) #for standard mouse ######################################################################################### canvas = document.getElementById('canvas') ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') def clear_screen(): ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) ctx.fillStyle = 'white' ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) def draw_ground(): ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, canvas.width*0.5, canvas.height*0.9) ctx.lineCap = 'round' ctx.lineJoin = 'round' ctx.lineWidth = '5' ctx.strokeStyle = '#CCCCCC' ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(-400, 0) ctx.lineTo(400, 0) ctx.stroke() def draw_robot(x, color): global hover_joint ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, canvas.width*0.5, canvas.height*0.9) f = fkin0(x, param) # Draw base ctx.translate(f[0,3], f[1,3]) ctx.lineWidth = '4' ctx.strokeStyle = 'white' ctx.fillStyle = color ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(0, 0, 40, 0, np.pi) ctx.rect(-40, 0, 80, -40) ctx.fill() ctx.strokeStyle = color for i in range(5): ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(-30+i*15, -40) ctx.lineTo(-40+i*15, -60) ctx.stroke() # Draw links and articulations obj = obj.arc(0, 0, 12, 0, 2*np.pi) ctx.lineCap = 'round' ctx.lineJoin = 'round' for i in range(param.nbVarX+2): if i < param.nbVarX+1: # Draw links outlines ctx.lineWidth = '46' ctx.strokeStyle = 'white' ctx.beginPath() ctx.lineTo(f[0,i], f[1,i]) ctx.lineTo(f[0,i+1], f[1,i+1]) ctx.stroke() # Draw links ctx.lineWidth = '38' ctx.strokeStyle = color ctx.beginPath() ctx.lineTo(f[0,i], f[1,i]) ctx.lineTo(f[0,i+1], f[1,i+1]) ctx.stroke() # Draw articulations ctx.lineWidth = '4' ctx.strokeStyle = 'white' ctx.translate(f[0,i], f[1,i]) ctx.stroke(obj) if ctx.isPointInPath(obj, mouse0[0], mouse0[1]) and i>0: if i<4: hover_joint = 3-i else: hover_joint = i-1 ctx.translate(-f[0,i], -f[1,i]) def draw_object(xobj, id, color): global selected_obj ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, canvas.width*0.5, canvas.height*0.9) # Draw object obj = obj.arc(0, 0, 22, 0, 2*np.pi) ctx.translate(xobj[0], xobj[1]) ctx.fillStyle = color ctx.fill(obj) if ctx.isPointInPath(obj, mouse0[0], mouse0[1]) and mousedown==1: selected_obj = id def controlCommand(x, param): #f = fkin(x, param) #J = Jkin(x, param) #u = np.linalg.pinv(J) @ (param.Mu - f[:,0]) * 10 u = np.zeros(param.nbVarX) return u ######################################################################################### def errorHandler(e): msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) console.error(msg) el = document.getElementById('repl-err') el.innerText = msg #el.textContent = msg ######################################################################################### x = np.array([np.pi/2, np.pi/2, np.pi/4, -np.pi/2, -np.pi/4]) # Initial robot state #u = np.zeros(param.nbVarX) async def main(): global hover_joint, x while True: try: u = controlCommand(x, param) except Exception as e: errorHandler(e) u = np.zeros(param.nbVarX) x += u * param.dt # Reinit hovering variables hover_joint = -1 # Rendering clear_screen() #draw_ground() draw_robot(x, '#AAAAAA') draw_object(param.Mu[:2], 0, '#FF3399') draw_object(param.Mu[2:], 1, '#FF9933') # Object selection if selected_obj==0: param.Mu[:2] = mouse[:2] param.Mu[0] = max(min(param.Mu[0],450), -450) param.Mu[1] = max(min(param.Mu[1],630), -70) if selected_obj==1: param.Mu[2:] = mouse[:2] param.Mu[2] = max(min(param.Mu[2],450), -450) param.Mu[3] = max(min(param.Mu[3],630), -70) await asyncio.sleep(0.0001) pyscript.run_until_complete(main())